How to Recover Unclaimed Inheritance Money?
7th June, 2021 Insurance

How to Recover Unclaimed Inheritance Money?

Losing a loved one is not just the loss of the person but their potential as well. When a loved one dies, their potential dies with them, but they might have had any funds sitting in banks or insurance agencies forgotten due to poor financial record skills. If a family member of the deceased doesn’t attempt to get that unclaimed inheritance fund, it will become lost forever, and the state or the insurance company will claim it as its own. People can use this unclaimed fund if they are tight on cash or find it hard to make ends meet. So, if you think that there may be some unclaimed money from any deceased relative or family member of yours who might have had a fund that you were unaware of, then you can search for that unclaimed money. This might take few steps and things to pull, but it can be done. You might look for an insurance agent or insurance broker to help you find more about the unclaimed money. 

Unclaimed Assets

There might be unclaimed assets that include bank accounts, certificates of deposit, bonds, life insurance policies, retirement accounts, safe deposits, and more. However, most of them are held by institutions and companies that the accounts belong to. These assets are considered inactive after a period of unuse. You can claim these accounts and the belongings if you can prove that you are heir to them or are related to them. 

Unclaimed Money

You can search for unclaimed money of your deceased one on online databases as well. To do that, you need to go to, which is a NAUPA website. This free website displays all the information about unclaimed properties and money in each state in the US. So, you can enter the details here to see whether your relative had any unclaimed property or money that you can acquire. 

Hiring a Professional 

The last option is to hire a professional, an attorney, or an insurance broker that offers services to locate unclaimed money or inheritance that you might be the heir to. You will be charged for their services, but if you find any unclaimed property, account, or inheritance, it will be worthwhile. 


Codemo, R.O.B.E.R.T.A. 2021. How-to-recover-unclaimed-inheritance-money#:~:text=The%20best%20place%20to%20begin,see%20if%20anything%20shows%20up. 4 May. How to Recover Unclaimed Inheritance Money. [Online]. [4 June 2021]. Available from:,see%20if%20anything%20shows%20up.

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